Saturday, November 8, 2008

New things

In the small chance that anyone still checks this blog out, here is what is going on in my life lately.
1. I started running back in August. I had quit during college because my knees hurt, but so far they are doing well. I ran my first ever official 5K in September. I usually run 3-4 times a week for 2-3 miles. My longest so far has been 4. I am very upset that cold weather is upon us as this will likely cut into my running schedule. Feel free to send me an elliptical machine.

2. My job as a foster care case manager continues to go well. The program is still growing at a somewhat alarming pace. Not that we have a ton of kids, but we are kind of bursting at the seams and continue to add more kids. I have 15 on my case load right now and will likely see number 16 arriving next week.

3. I am addicted to Dave Ramsey. For those of you who don't know, he is a financial advisor with a call in radio show. You can also download his podcast from Zune or Itunes. I am very gun-ho about getting our debts and house paid off. Julie is still unsure that this is possible, but with a few less video games a pairs of shoes I am sure we can do it.

4. I don't blog anymore. Fairly obvious to those who read my blogs.


kat said...

How sad that you have lost that loving feeling of blogging... I think Meijers is corrupting you. Maybe you should shop at Scott's, Kroger, Walmart, Kmart, and many more stores that have greatly improved there stores.

Caitlin Long said...

does it count as running when the sharp downward slope of the hill i take to school propels me forward at an increased rate?

if so, then running is something we have in common...