Tuesday, March 6, 2007

My first blog

Hello to all of Julie's friends who will be the only people who check this place out. This is the first time I have ever blogged...I feel a bit exposed...oh well.
I have decided that the mission statement for my blog is, "To right all the wrongs that are posted on my wife's blog and stand as a beacon of light against the cynicism of the world."

I have to admit though, Her last post about there only being a select few Hoosiers who like day-light savings was right on. It is pretty much the coolest thing in the world to still be playing outside at 10pm in July. Not sure why anyone wants it to be dark at 9 so they can wake up with the sun at 5:02am. Does anyone really care if the sun is up then?

I guess that is it for now. Have a blessed day :)


Julie said...

LOL! Rhonda just said, "I thought you were being nicer on your blog." And I said, "I don't know HOW to be nicer on my blog."

Closer to knowing... said...

how fun! it should be fun to contrast your new blog with your wife's. :)

Luke said...

Welcome. While your wife may be cynical, her posts are a blast to read. :-)

Matthew said...

Share the light there.

ajp said...

good times up ahead.