Thursday, March 22, 2007

Today we had a glorious thunderstorm in the early morning. It is truly amazing just how dark it can get at 10 am. Either way, it was very exciting! After the storm it cleared up significantly and was very warm. Spring is here!!! I love spring. I can't even imagine someone who doesn't.

In addition to spring being here. Sam and I are finally starting to bond. For those who don't know, Sam is my wife's Jack Russel Terrier. He didn't like me very much at first and made his feelings towards me quite obvious. (If anyone should ever pee on one of your favorite jackets, I would guess it is safe to say that there is some turmoil in the relationship.) Recently Sam has taken to sitting next to me on the couch while I read or type. I think he is pleased that we are not getting a second dog and knows that I played a big part in this decision.


hubergal said...

it might pain you to hear it, but your sense of humor is striking me as quite a bit similar to your wife's. it cracks me up in the same sort of way that hers does.

Julie said...

Sam and you ARE starting to bond. Now I think I'M jealous.

Last Rabbit said...

I think it's pretty neat the dog gets to sit on the couch. Wonder where you got your easy going attitude concerning animals? You should write some more. It's very entertaining.