Thursday, April 12, 2007

The nerve

It has been a while since my last post and part of it is that I have been having a hard time coming up with something else to write about besides our dog. However, I feel it necessary to dive into this dreadful topic once more to correct the complete falsehood of my last post indicating that sam and I were bonding. Notice now that I am not even capitalizing his name.
So, the other sam and I were hanging out and I decided to leave for 10 minutes get something at the hardware store. Normally I would have put sam in his room but felt that he had been behaving rather well and wouldn't get into trouble... yeah, not so much.
So, I come home to find that sam has gotten into the trash to eat the entire wrapper from the bacon we had made earlier. Turns out dogs can't digest Styrofoam and plastic and the wrapper was promptly thrown up all over our couch. Yes, the same one that sam loves to sit by me on. Not only did he throw it up, but he did twice on the couch, and once on the living room floor. Not sure why he felt the need to puke on the most absorbent surfaces he could find. The culprit was found lounging in the sun beam of the living room window. Needless to say, the bonding process has come to a complete halt.


Julie said...

Awwwwww! Poor Sammy Samerson! He didn't mean it! He was sick!!

Brooke said...


Hannah said...

Aww, I agree, poor Sam. Oh, and on a side note, I started my own blog. It sounded more fun then writing a paper about ethanol.