Thursday, October 11, 2007

New Job

First, I want to thank all the many readers who contributed to my survey of what to do on Saturday. Despite the fact that everyone who contributed was a female and everyone leaned more heavily to wasting their Saturday but not doing anything but relaxing (lame) I feel that in reality most people truly feel that Saturday is a great day to do work.

Now that I know more than one person reads my blog, I thought I would take the opportunity to announce that I am changing jobs at the end of this month. I will be going to Gateway Woods and taking a position as a case manager of the Foster Care program.


Caitlin Long said...

I think I speak for all 2 and a half of your readers when I say: Congratulations!

Why the change?

smw said...


Anonymous said...

I am movingto Gateway so I can pursue my goals of continuing in the social work field. My current education will not get my very far and Gateway has a program that will make it financially feasable to get my masters degree. I am hoping to get it in Social Work, but am also considering therapist or counselor.

Jim said...

Yay. We need more AC counselors.

kat said...

I am glad you are at Gateway. It's nice to see a familar face.. Now to just get Julie here... Hmmm...

Just to let you know, my Saturday's are to get things done. So, I agree with you.

Bethany said...

I'm tagging you for a blog game to force you to update. :D And congrats on Maggie.