Sunday, December 9, 2007


So, anyone who has read Julie's blog is already aware that we have a new puppy. I don't know how many of you have had puppies before. Despite having had several dogs in my life, this is the first time I have really been responsible for a puppy. I had absolutely no idea what I was getting into. Below is a list of things I have learned about caring for a dog.
1. breeds with boxer in them are extremely stubborn.
2. puppies are extremely orally fixated. If it is living, it goes in her mouth, if it is dead, it goes in her mouth, anything else, goes in her mouth.
3. puppies need to pee every 2-3 hours, and lots of time in between.
4. there are two settings on puppies, sleeping and terrorizing.
5. there are two settings for responses for everything puppies do, awwwww, and NOOOO!!

More to follow I am sure. Please respond if you have any great dog advice.


Unknown said...

Does your employer follow the Family Leave Act?
How much time have you able to take as paid time since adopting this new Life?
Good Luck , I think someof our kids were easier as babies then Maggie
Paul & Leanne

Julie said...

She is a little terrorist. She bit Sam's leg really hard yesterday. She's totally antagonistic.